As dance instructors, we recognize and leverage the fact that dance can promote:

  • A sense of accomplishment, self-confidence and self-esteem

  • Physical health including flexibility, mobility strength and coordination

  • A love of music and movement

  • Rhythm, musicality and creativity

  • A positive spirit and character with integrity and passion

  • The importance of teamwork, responsibility and respect

  • Strong work-ethic, self-discipline, responsibility and time management

For students who wish to pursue dance at a competitive level, Ignite offers the opportunity to join the competition team.

Whether a child decides to do recreation or competition, they will be invited to attend many events the studio hosts and takes part in, such as parades, charity events and community events.  Our BIGGEST goal for Ignite School of Dance is for every child to feel welcomed, learn from some of the best, and most of all…Have Fun! We cannot wait to take this journey with all of you and Ignite the Artist Within!!!

Welcome to Ignite School of Dance

Embark on a journey filled with joy. Engage in the art of dance and let your passion shine through each movement. Experience the magic of music and movement in the company of friends…

All while you Ignite the Artist Within!!!

Discover the beauty of expressing yourself through dance. Unleash your creativity and grace as you turn, leap, and sway to the enchanting melodies. Let the dance floor be your canvas, painting vibrant stories with every step. By focusing around giving kids an opportunity to customize their experience, we believe it will not only be perfectly suited for every child’s needs, but also give parents more of a voice in the growth of the studio and their dancer.

We are so excited to be able to offer classes for dancers looking for recreational programs, as well as those looking to dance at a competitive level! Worried your best friend won’t be in your class, because they do not compete or they compete and you don’t? Let those worries fade away…

At Ignite we believe that ALL students excel when they “Ignite” together in one class to work on skills and technique! With comp team rehearsals being separate from our technique classes the classes are combined with both recreational and competitive dancers! We do not believe in taking away from class time, which is dedicated to improving and learning, to work on competition choreography and refining our numbers. However, classes will work on recital numbers within their scheduled class time, because together we achieve more!

Another goal at Ignite is to give everyone a more budget friendly dance experience. We understand the stresses that expensive dance payments can place on the average household and we hope to alleviate some of that stress for the Ignite family. At Ignite there are multiple program options for each student to reach the family’s individual needs and goals for the dancer.

Ignites teachers are encouraged to focus on providing quality instruction and positive, supportive reinforcement in a caring, loving, and educational atmosphere in which your child can learn and excel.

Ignite strives to provide a positive, welcoming atmosphere for its students and their families.  We recognize that dancers gain strength and skills at a varying pace and encourage every individual to work his/her hardest to be the best he/she can be. We provide constructive feedback and supportive reinforcement in every class and avoid comparing dancers to each other.