Arianna Dettling


Arianna Dettling grew up in a Military family, so she moved around quite a bit. She even had the opportunity to live in Hawaii for a little while! That is where she first started recreational dance at the age of four.

Arianna danced in Hawaii for a year and then had to move to Maryland ☹. This is where she first began cheering. She participated in recreational cheer for two years and then moved again! This time they moved to Tennessee, and she joined a small competition team at 9 years old. She competed for a year and then moved to Farmington, Missouri in the middle of her fifth-grade year.

She started cheering again in eighth grade at Farmington Middle School. Arianna was on the Varsity Cheer Team at Farmington High School from freshman to junior year. All three years she was on the Competition Team and took first place at State her freshman year! During this time Arianna also started taking tumbling classes to work on her back handspring for cheer. She loved learning how to tumble and loved teaching it even more.

Arianna’s teaching career started with tumbling classes and Tiny Tot classes in her sophomore year of high school. She also decided to start taking recreational dance classes and she once again fell in love with dance! The summer before her junior year she joined the Company Team at her studio. This was her first time ever doing competition dance and she loved it! She decided to try out for Knightline (Farmington’s Dance Team), instead of cheering for her Senior year, so she could do Company and school dance. That was her first and last year on Knightline. She was sad she did not choose that path earlier in her high school years. She was incredibly grateful that the Knightline season ended in February, because she is graduate of the class of 2020 and the season would have ended early, due to Covid. Company Dance, however, continued and they had all their competitions virtually or in private time slots when in person. During her time in Company Dance she won first place with her solo and they had high point finishes in the group numbers she was a part of!

Since COVID-19 was in full swing she decided to take a year off before she went to college. In 2021, she was accepted into the Dance Program at SEMO to become a dance major in Fall of 2021. Arianna discovered that she preferred studio and high school dance, over being in a large Company, so she changed her major to Business after the first semester. However, she wanted to be a part of a team again, so she tried out and made the SEMO cheer team at the end of her second semester! She cheered for SEMO for two years and had the opportunity to cheer at the OVC Championships for SEMO Basketball, in 2023 (THEY WON!!!). Currently she is continuing school online, so she is no longer cheering for SEMO, but that is what brought her here to Ignite!

Miss Arianna is so excited to start teaching again and sharing her passion for cheer and dance with her students! She cannot wait to work with the rest of the wonderful Ignite Teaching Staff, learn from everyone, and to be part of the Ignite Dance Family!