Studio Policies and Procedures

Have a question? We hope that you find the answer below. Contact us if you do not find the information that you are looking for!

Ignite the Artist Within…

Student Responsibilities

Always be respectful and considerate of other students and teachers. Failure to obey this rule will result in the termination of your enrollment at the studio without refund. Students are not allowed to run around in the studio. The teacher will invite the students into class when it is about time to begin class. Remember to be quiet during class and raise your hand when you have a question. Enjoy yourself, have fun and don’t forget your smile!

Parents Responsibilities

Cooperate with the teachers in carrying out discipline penalties when action is necessary. The teacher must be able to maintain authority in order for all the students to enjoy class. Remain in the waiting area during class. If a young child is unsure about participating at first, you may want to try letting him/her watch the class first, or bring him/her early so he/she will become comfortable with the studio. Children mature at different ages, if your child is not ready for class, please bring him/her back when he/she feels more comfortable with dance class.

Please check the bulletin board, and the class calendar of events – they contain important information you will need to know about upcoming events! We will occasionally hand out notes. Please ask your child if they were given information each week.

Teacher’s Pledge

As a teacher of young dancers I will always do my best to ensure the safety and well being of my students while they are in my care. I understand the importance of being prepared to teach. I understand the impact my behavior, appearance, and knowledge has on their lives. I am a role model and everything I do and say can make a lasting impression on them. I will strive to make my lessons exciting so my students will return and we can dance together for many years, while I Ignite the Artist Within!

Class Attire

Students should wear some type of cover-up clothing and street shoes when arriving and leaving the studio. Do NOT wear dance shoes from the car into the studio! For more information on dress code please visit this LINK!


Ignite School of Dance does not carry medical insurance for its students. It is required that all students be covered under their own family’s insurance policies. If injury occurs I understand that the student’s own policy is your only source of reimbursement.

Snow and Bad Weather

We will post on on our Facebook page and send out an email to all parents if the studio will be closed due to weather under school closings.


Holiday dates will be posted prior to the closing dates. Please check the calendar of events and bulletin board to keep current on these closings.

Bring a Friend and Grandparents Day

Bring a friend week will be the week of September 9th and January 13th; the students may bring one friend to participate in class with them. There is a form that parents must fill out in order for friend to participate. The friend must fit the age requirements for your child’s class. Grandparents week will be the last week in January, your child may bring their grandparents along to their class to watch them and see what they have learned.


Attendance is imperative, as absences and tardiness can hold back an entire class and the studio cannot jeopardize its responsibility to the rest of the class for one student. It is necessary that students attend classes on a regular basis for skill development. Please make every effort to have your child to class on time.


Tuition is due by the 1st of every month. Tuition prices are the same for in-person or zoom options, and classes can shift to zoom at anytime depending on the Covid-19 restrictions that are put into place. There is a $15.00 automatic late fee charged to your account for every week your tuition is late. There is a $35.00 service charge on all returned checks or multiple credit card declines (after two bounced checks, we no longer accept check as payment).

There are absolutely no refunds on tuition or costumes for any reason. There are no deductions for missed classes including Holidays and bad weather; however, you are entitled to schedule a make-up class There is a 30-day period for making up missed classes, after that the missed class will be forfeited. 

Tuition will be the same whether it is a 4 or 5 week month. All class changes or withdrawals from class must be submitted in writing to the Ignite office 15 days prior to the start of the next month to avoid continued tuition charges. Tuition charges will continue to incur, until notice is given. Payments accepted -Cash, Check, Credit Card (if entering your credit card on file in the customer portal, you accept automatic payment and your credit card will be charged when fees are due, if you enter a credit card and would like it removed you must contact the studio for removal.) There is a 3% service charge on all credit card payments.

For more answers to your tuition and fee questions please click here.

Annual Recital

Every year we host a dance recital to give your child the chance to showcase their talents.  This is a fun and rewarding experience for all the dancers.  We hope that you will consider joining us for this exciting opportunity. Our annual recital will be held May 2025. There are no refunds on costumes or recital fees.

Recital Costume and Fees

Students will be measured in November 2024 for recital costumes and a deposit on your costume(s) and fees of $50.00 will be due by November 23, 2024.   Costumes must be ordered early to ensure their arrival by recital time.  NO COSTUMES WILL BE ORDERED WITHOUT A DEPOSIT.  NO EXCEPTIONS. Balances on costumes and recital fee will be due in January and February of 2025 (split in half each month).  There is no guarantee on late orders; they will also be subject to additional late fees. If a student drops classes after deposits or full payments have been made for costumes, there will be no refunds.  However, you may pick up costumes that are paid in full when they come in, but you will be responsible for calling in May to come back and pick it up if your child does drop before recital. Recital fees cover costs such as the rental of the facility, staff, select amount of ticket credit, backdrop, programs, cleanup, etc. These fees will be included in your three payments.   All fees must be paid in full before costume pick up. No refunds on costumes or recital fees.

Recital Pictures

Recital pictures will be taken at the studio sometime in May. Dates and times to be determined. We encourage all of our recital participants to please attend pictures to get their group picture taken. More information regarding pictures will be available in Spring 2025.

Private Lessons

Private lessons are available for an extra charge determined by the teacher. If you schedule a private and No Call No Show, you will still be charged for that lesson.  Please notify the teacher in advance if you need to reschedule. You must be registered at the studio in order to schedule private lessons, or an extra fee for building rental of $10 per hour on top of teacher fee will apply if you are not currently enrolled.

Class Cancellation

Ignite School of Dance reserves the right to change or cancel any offered classes due to lack of registration.

Parent/Student Contact Information

Please notify the office or update your portal with any change in name, address and phone number.

Contacting Your Child if He/She is in Class

If you need to speak with your child during class, please call the studio at 573.315.6743, and our staff will get a message to your child. If you are in the studio, please do not enter your child’s classroom during the class for any reason.

Cell Phones

If your child must bring their phone the phone will need to be turned on silent and stay in the student area during class.

Please encourage your children to use their phones only when permitted, before and after -- but not during -- classes.

We know a personal phone is a key communication device for busy families when they need a ride, there's an emergency, their plans change, or Mom or Dad calls. Please have student notify teacher if they need to use their phone for any of these reasons if they are in class.

There will be absolutely no photography in the studio dressing rooms.

Lost Items

Each student is responsible for their own personal belongings. Ignite School of Dance is not responsible for any lost or stolen items and recommends that all shoes and dance wear be marked on the INSIDE of the shoe with your child’s name.

Any items that are left behind at the studio will be placed in a lost and found box kept in the Ignite School of Dance office. Please ask to look through the box and claim any lost items.

Picking Up

Please have your child wait INSIDE the studio until you have arrived to pick them up. This is to ensure their safety.

Smoking Policy

Please remember that the entire studio is a smoke-free environment. This includes directly outside the studio doors.


Trash cans are located throughout the studio. Please throw away trash and pick up after yourselves. Help keep our studio clean!!


Please feel free to call the studio at 573.315.6743 or email at

Website let us know if you have any questions or concerns.  We will be happy to assist you!